Driveway maintenance can be a hassle, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m here to help you and bring some tips from driveway crack prevention to suggestions for the winter months. Driveways were a brilliant idea that came into existence in the late 1920s. This is why it was labeled as one of the most significant technology breakthroughs of the 20th century. Unfortunately, there are times when this area will need some repair and maintenance. You want how to maintain your driveways to look great and be functional for as long as possible. If you want your driveway to last, it’s best to take care of it and maintain it properly. Here are some tips to help you keep your driveway looking great!

Prevent cracks

Keeping your driveway clean is important. If you let dirt and debris build-up, it can cause cracks in the driveway. To prevent this from happening, sweep or vacuum your driveway regularly and make sure to remove any leaves or other debris that fall from trees onto the surface of your driveways.

If you live in an area with hot summers and cold winters, take care not to let sunlight reach an uncovered concrete surface for too long during summer months–it will cause the top layer of concrete (what we call “curing”) to dry out too quickly and weaken its structure over time. To prevent this issue on your property, consider applying a sealer when spring rolls around again so that moisture stays locked inside instead of evaporating into thin air!

Finally, never use salt on any part of your driveway unless necessary (for example, if there is some ice). Salt causes corrosion damage underneath layers like paint jobs; similarly, we want nothing wrong with coming into contact with our hard work, so please avoid using anything like rock salt unless necessary!

Fill cracks

Fill cracks in the asphalt with a driveway crack filler. There are two types of driveway crack fillers: water-based and solvent-based.

Minimize water on the driveway.

There are a few ways to minimize water on your driveway. The first is to use a broom or squeegee to sweep off any excess water after it rains. If you’re using a squeegee, make sure to remove all of the water from the surface of your driveway so that it doesn’t become an ice rink when temperatures drop later in winter and spring.

Next up is blowing off leaves with a leaf blower before they have time to collect on top of one another and form an unsightly mat underfoot! Ensure that your gutters are clear so that nothing gets clogged there either–this will lead directly into our next tip: keeping grass short enough so that its roots don’t grow into cracks between slabs.Finally, don’t overwater lawns during dry spells–you’ll only end up wasting precious resources if you do!

Plow carefully

Plow carefully. When plowing your driveway and sidewalks, do not push snow into the street or over the sidewalk. Similarly, don’t push snow into the driveway and lawn; if it’s too deep for you to walk on comfortably without sinking in up to your knees, it will be too deep for anyone else who needs access through your property.

Plow carefully. The first step to maintaining a driveway is to plow it carefully. Start by clearing off the snow from the sides of the driveway, then work on clearing off the center of the driveway. This will allow you to see where you’re going and prevent any damage that could otherwise occur from plowing over rocks or other items underneath.

Protect the edges

Protect the edges. Paving stones can be damaged if they’re not protected from plowing, so it’s essential to protect them from damage as much as possible. You can do this by covering them with sandbags or placing wooden planks over them when it’s time for plowing. This will also prevent any damage from snowplow blades hitting against wooden fences and other structures near your driveway.

Protecting the edges of your driveway is a good way to keep it looking clean and professional. If you have a shovel, use it to push snow away from the edges of your driveway. You can also use a snow blower or even a rake if you want to avoid damaging your shovel with ice chunks.

Clean your driveway

If you have a paved driveway, keeping it clean .This will help prevent cracks in the pavement that can lead to more severe problems. If you have an unpaved driveway, consider sealing it with asphalt sealer or another sealant product which will help prevent the growth of weeds and other plants from making your driveway less visible.This is also a great time to check for cracks in the pavement or any other damage that may indicate a problem with your foundation.


Undoubtedly, driveways aren’t the most exciting part of home maintenance, but they are essential to keeping your home polished and ready for visitors. Follow our tips, and you could end up with a driveway so lovely you’ll want to park your car in it. Maintaining your driveway is a simple process that can be done with little effort. If you’re looking for ways to keep your driveway in good condition contact us on (567) 806-1933.

How often should I seal coat my driveway?

Sealcoating is recommended every 2-3 years to protect your driveway from the elements and maintain its longevity.

What’s the best way to remove oil stains from my driveway?

To remove oil stains, apply an absorbent material like cat litter, then scrub with a mixture of dish soap and hot water before rinsing thoroughly.

Can I use rock salt for snow and ice removal on my driveway?

While rock salt is commonly used, it can damage your driveway’s surface. Consider using alternatives like calcium chloride or sand to prevent damage.

How do I repair small cracks in my driveway’s surface?

Small cracks can be filled with a specialized driveway crack filler or sealant available at hardware stores.

Is hiring a professional for driveway maintenance necessary, or can I do it myself?

Homeowners can do many driveway maintenance tasks, but for more extensive repairs or seal coating, hiring a professional for quality results is often best.